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Sunday 18 October 2020

Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation | Unit - I | Gate Material Science 2020 Question & Answers

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Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation | Unit - I

Here you can find the 2020 GATE Material Science (XE-C) paper with answer key and full explanation in pdf given below:

This set of Engineering Materials Science "Problems & Answers" are based on “GATE 2020 (XE-C)

GATE 2020 (XE-C)


UNIT - I (QUESTION 1 to 9)

Unit – I contains 9 numbers of questions (From Question 1 to Question 9) including MCQ and numerical problem each of which carry one mark.

1) A Pb-Sn sample of eutectic composition, containing α- and β- phases, is examined in a scanning electron microscope. The α-phase contains ~97 wt.% Pb (atomic number 82) while β-phase contains ~99 wt.% Sn (atomic number 50). The ratio of number of backscattered electrons escaping from α-phase to that from β-phase would be:

Correct Answer is "C"

For scanning electron microscope,

The number of backscattered electrons (BSE) ∝ mean atomic number

(BSE)α/(BSE)β = (Mean atomic number)α/(Mean atomic number)β = 82/50 = 1.64 i.e. greater than 1

2) Smallest or minimum feature size that can be theoretically resolved in an optical Microscope does NOT depend on:

Correct Answer is "B"

Theoretical limit of an optical microscope can be calculated using Abbe’s diffraction limit formula

Abbe’s diffraction limit formula for lateral resolution (i.e. XY),

dl or dx,y = 𝜆/2𝑁𝐴 = 𝜆/2(𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼)

Abbe’s diffraction limit formula for axial resolution (i.e Z),

dA or dz = 2𝜆/(𝑁𝐴)2 = 2𝜆/(𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼)2


𝜆 = Wavelength of the radiation

NA = Numerical aperture of the objective lens

n = Refractive index of the medium between the lens and the focal point

α = Half of the angular aperture of the objective lens

3) Following diagram shows a square 2-D lattice with a hexagonal motif (dark colored). The rotational symmetry element that must be present in the system is:

Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

Correct Answer is "B"

n-fold rotational symmetry of an object means if the object rotates about an axis by an angle of 360°/n then it will repeat itself.

The given figure is a combination of hexagon and square.

Hexagon has six-fold rotational symmetry.

Square has four-fold rotational symmetry.

So the rotational symmetry of the given figure is the G.C.M of hexagon and square’s rotational symmetry.

Hence the given object has two-fold rotational symmetry

4) Density of states, D(E), in a three dimensional solid varies with energy (E) as

Correct Answer is "A"

We know that,

Density of states for 1D, D(E)1D ∝ 𝐸-1/2

Density of states for 2D, D(E)2D ∝ 𝐸0

Density of states for 3D, D(E)3D ∝ 𝐸1/2

5) The variation of molar volume (Vm) of a liquid showing glass transition temperature (Tg) while cooling from its melting temperature (Tm) is depicted by

Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation
Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation
Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation
Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

Correct Answer is "A"

Variation of molar volume with temperature of a liquid upon cooling are shown below

Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

Curve A is for totally amorphous material (having glass transition temperature)

Curve B is for semi-crystalline material (having glass transition temperature)

Curve C is for crystalline material (no glass transition temperature)

Curve A or Curve B matches only with the figure I of the given problem

6) Find the correct match between polymer name in column I and the monomer type in column II.



I. Polyethylene


Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

II. Polypropylene


Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

III. Polyvinyl chloride


Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

IV. Polystyrene


Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

Correct Answer is "C"

Monomer of the given polymers are shown below



I. Polyethylene


Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

II. Polypropylene


Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

III. Polyvinylchloride


Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

IV. Polystyrene


Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

7) A ceramic has a fracture toughness (KIC) of 1 MPa.m1/2. If this ceramic is to be exposed to a maximum stress (σ) of 200MPa, the maximum value of half crack length ‘a’ (in micrometer, μm), below which the material does not fail, is ______ μm (round off to one decimal place). Loading condition for the sample is shown in the schematic. Assume geometrical factor f=1.2.

Gate 2020 (XE-C) Full Solution and Explanation

Correct Answer is "5.3 – 5.7"

We know that,

KIC = Yσ √(𝝅𝒂)


KIC = Fracture toughness = 1 MPa.m1/2

Y = Geometrical factor = f = 1.2

σ = Maximum stress = 200 MPa

𝒂 = half of the internal crack length = ?


1 = 1.2 × 200 × √(𝝅𝒂)

⇒𝒂 = (𝟏/(𝟏.𝟐 × 𝟐𝟎𝟎))2 × (𝟏/𝝅)

⇒𝒂 = 5.526 × 10-6 m =5.526 nm = 5.5 nm (rounded off to one decimal place)

8) A ceramic material is periodically heated and cooled between 25°C and a higher temperature, Tf. During thermal cycling, the material remains dimensionally constrained. The material can withstand a maximum compressive stress of 200 MPa without failure. Material's coefficient of thermal expansion is 7.5 x 10-6 °C-1 and modulus of elasticity (E) is 200 GPa. The lowest value of Tf (in °C) at which material will fail is _______°C (round-off to the nearest integer). Assume that there is no plastic deformation during thermal cycling.

Correct Answer is "157 - 159"

We know that,

σ = Eα Δ𝑻 = Eα (Tf – Ti)


σ = Maximum compressive stress = 200 MPa = 200 × 106 Pa

E = Modulus of elasticity = 200 GPa = 200 × 109 Pa

α = Material’s coefficient of thermal expansion = 7.5 × 10-6 °C-1

Ti = Initial or lowest temperature = 25°C

Tf = Final or highest temperature = ?

So, 200 × 106 = 200 × 109 × 7.5 × 10-6 × (Tf – 25)

⇒Tf = 158.3°C

9) During homogeneous solidification of a liquid metal, the radius of critical nucleus (in nanometer, nm) at a temperature Ts which is below the melting point (Tm), is ______ nm (round-off to one decimal place). Given that 𝛾sl (solid liquid interfacial energy) is 0.18 J.m-2 and Δ𝐺v (change in volume free energy upon transformation from liquid to solid) at Ts is 0.18 x109 J.m-3.

Correct Answer is "1.9 – 2.1"

We know that,

r* = - (𝟐𝛾sl)/(Δ𝐺v)


r* = critical radius for stable solid particle during homogeneous nucleation = ?

𝛾sl = solid liquid interfacial energy = 0.18 J.m-2

Δ𝐺v = change in volume free energy = 0.18 × 109 J.m-3

So, r* = - (𝟐 × 𝟎.𝟏𝟖)/(𝟎.𝟏𝟖 × 𝟏𝟎9) = - 2 × 10-9 (negative sign means critical radius decreases as temperature decreases)

⇒│ r*│ = 2 × 10-9 m = 2 nm

Click on the following link given below to download the 2020 XE-C paper Unit-I with complete solutions and explanations.

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