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Topic wise material science all types of objective questions and answers including GATE, PSU, NET/SET/JRF, IES, UPSC material science MCQs, MSQs and numerical problems and also online free quiz on material science

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Welcome to, your number one source for MATERIAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING study & practice. I’m dedicated to giving you the very best of your Exam Preparation, with a focus on GATE Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) & Numerical Problems on material science(Paper Code: XE-C).

Founded in 2020 by admin@MaterialScienceOnline, MaterialScienceOnline has come a long way from its beginnings. When I first started out, my passion for prepare me in the exam, drove this to prepare many students for the exam, so that MaterialScienceOnline can offer you a platform to prepare yourself in the exam by several numbers of online chapter-wise tests with different types of standard exam-based questions.

MaterialScienceOnline is made to provide you all types of chapter-wise objective (Multiple Choice, Multiple Select and Numerical) questions, answers, and explanations as well as a chapter-wise various practice tests or quiz to catalyst your competitive exam preparation. Various top-rated Material Science and Engineering pdf books are also available here.

I hope this site helps you to prepare yourself for your present & future exam. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me through



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