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Monday 12 October 2020

Phase Diagram MCQs | Part - VI | Material Science MCQs

This set of Engineering Materials Science "Multiple Choice Questions & Answers" are based on "PHASE DIAGRAM"

Phase Diagram MCQs | Part - VI


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Hello reader, here you can find some MCQ with answers. But before reading this I will suggest you take a practice test on these questions given below. so you can understand your strength on this topic.

Click here to go Practice Test section on this topic namely Phase Diagram.

But if you want to read this topic first and then practice it then read it carefully.  The Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) based on the Phase Diagram are given below:


1) Iron-Carbon phase diagram is a

Correct Answer is "B"

An iron-Carbon phase diagram is a Binary phase diagram

2) Pure iron exists in ________ allotropic forms.

Correct Answer is "C"

Pure iron exists in 3 allotropic forms α(ferrite), γ(austenite), and δ(ferrite).

3) What is the crystal structure of Ï’ iron?

Correct Answer is "B"

Ï’ iron has an FCC crystal structure

4) The temperature range at which δ iron stable is

Correct Answer is "D"

δ iron stable at1394°C – 1538°C

5) The temperature range at which γ iron stable is

Correct Answer is "B"

γ iron stable at 727°C – 1493°C

6) Which of the following is an intermetallic compound?

Correct Answer is "B"

Cementite is an intermetallic compound

7) The eutectic point in the Fe - C phase diagram occurs at which weight % composition of carbon.

Correct Answer is "D"

The eutectic point in the Fe - C phase diagram occurs at 4.30 wt% of carbon.

8) The eutectoid point in the Fe - C phase diagram occurs at which weight % composition of carbon.

Correct Answer is "B"

The eutectoid point in the Fe - C phase diagram occurs at 0.76 wt% of carbon.

9) The Peritectic point in the Fe - C phase diagram occurs at which weight % composition of carbon.

Correct Answer is "C"

The Peritectic point in the Fe - C phase diagram occurs at 0.18 wt% of carbon.

10) The Eutectic temperature in Fe – C diagram is

Correct Answer is "B"

The Eutectic temperature in Fe – C diagram is 1147°C

Do you read all the questions and answers given above carefully? let's make a practice on all the questions given above.
Go to:  Practice Test on Phase Diagram (MCQ) PART - VI

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Some of the questions given above may be similar to questions from some books and other online available sources but the answers to all the questions are genuinely made by admin@materialscienceonline.

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